Keyboard Equivalents Command Key + r = Same as ‘Replay’ button. Replays the last example. Command Key + x = Same as ‘Clear’ button. When a question requires a response of more than one note, the ‘Clear’ button appears. When you click here or press the keyboard equivalent, the screen will clear and you may reenter your entire answer. Command Key + < = Increase the volume level. Command Key + > = Decrease the volume level. Command Key + [ = Increase the tempo setting. Command Key + ] = Decrease the tempo setting. Tab (or Down Cursor) = movement down through the accidental palette when in staff entry mode. Shift + Tab (or UpCurosr) = movement up through the accidental palette when in staff entry mode. Space Bar = Hold the display of the current correct answer (at the end of a question and response or following four incorrect responses) on the screen until the Space Bar is re-hit. This feature is only active while the answer is being displayed and allows you to study the correct answer without time constraints.